Web Development
The platform is used to measure students’, parents’, and teachers’ feelings about school. It measures things such as “bullying”, “emotional learning”, “access to technology”, etc. from the perspective of students, parents, and teachers. It then shows aggregated data reports to help make decisions
Industries: Education
Solution: Portals, Notifications, Chat, Real-time monitoring
Technologies and tools: Typescript, React, Redux, BlueprintJs
Testimonial: In the difficult COVID era, knowing how people feel about school and their education is super important. Eklib helped build out a platform to understand how people are feeling, help make changes, and track the progress. Since the development happened during COVID, it was extremely important that it was done quickly and responsively to user needs since education changed frequently during 2020 and 2021. Eklib knocked it out of the park. Truly excellent work. Their team handled the frontend and backend, in React and Python, to develop a huge platform in only 14 months. The codebases have excellent test coverage, are well documented, and coded to a standard that most remote teams cannot achieve. The developers at Eklib are remarkable and are a perfect team if you need smart folks who care about doing a good job and about user feedback. Not only did they do excellent work on the development, but their team was also instrumental in helping to clarify user requirements during rapid, dynamic development sprints and made suggestions for improving user experience and helped identify potential use cases that weren’t being met